Friday, December 12, 2008

Contrary to belief of my sister....

So to give just a little bit of backround, when I was little, I ate ramen noodles 24/7. I am being completely honest!! Also I am a very picky eater! Even at a young age, I had a certain way I had to eat it, and I'm pretty sure my sister could still to this day tell you exactly how much water it had to have, how many ice cubes, and how many pieces of bread.
So with that said, I'm pretty sure my whole family thought I would never get sick of it. I haven't eaten it every day, but I still ate it quite often while growing up. Well this week, I was every so lucky (very sarcastic!) to get the flu bug that has been going around. It started Sunday, and its starting to finally go away. Well I have this GREAT husband, who treats me so well! He has taken such good care of me through this flu! Well he was getting worried when 3 days went by, and I hadn't really eaten anything. So he asked what I would eat, so naturally, I said ramen. After 2 tries, I have come to the conclusion, that I think I have officially over dosed on it. I can still eat it if I'm craving it, but other than that, it just isn't the same!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm thankful for....

I'm thankful to have found the love of my life. I'm thankful to have been able to marry my best friend. I have such a gentleman for a husband. I know I will never have to worry about anything, I will always be taken care of. I'm thankful to have a husband, that is on the same page as me, when it comes to how important family is, and when we talk about other things, he is on the same page. I'm thankful to have married someone like my dad, who I have always looked up too, and hoped that one day I could find someone like him for my spouse. I enjoyed my first thanksgiving with the love of my life this year, and am excited to spend the rest of them with him, and both of our families!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Do I live in Boonieville?

So, I am a newly married girl. Well right now we are living with my brother in law, in his basement. He just bought a house. It is almost 100 years old, and has a dirt room that we found a latrine in.... (another story, for another time though) Anyway, this house has .55 acre, so it is great for farming. My brother in law owns 4 pigs now.
So now that you have a little back round, I was driving home from work last night, and didn't get off until 11:30. It is very dark on one of the streets I drive home on. As I'm driving, I see something big and round up ahead of me going across the road, but it was too dark to tell what it was, so naturally I slowed down. As I get closer, I realize it is some tumble weed, about 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. I feel like I live on the outskirts of town, but with a neighborhood all around me...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just some wedding photos from Saturday.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Now we just grow old together"

So last night, we are laying in bed, after the wedding is over, and my cute hubby looks at me. He says, "Guess what? Its over, now we just grow old together. " :D I thought that was so cute! How often do we look forward to the future and how much better things will be once it is over, instead of enjoying every minute life has to offer? I know I do this all the time. I now get the chance to grow old one day at a time with my husband! How lucky am I?