Thursday, March 19, 2009

I did it!

So I have an issue with cooking, well sort of. I can follow a recipe, but I am not good at improvising, and don't absolutely love to cook! My husband does most of the cooking, and I don't mind, he does a great job! Well I bought a pot roast a couple weeks back, thanks to my sister, and keeping me updated on deals! :D Well Tuesday I had off from work, and decided it was finally time for me to try to cook! Well I went to the store, because I wanted to do the roast in coke, and came back and got it started in the crock pot. Well time went on, and we came home and were getting everything ready to make burritos, like at Cafe Rio or Costa Vita. I of course being the smart one that I am, was wearing a white shirt. Well the apron that was shown in a previous post, never made it on my body! :( I was going to have it as my picture up here, to show that I do LOVE it, and use it! Well anyway, I didn't think things through very well I guess because I tried to pick up half of the roast with just one fork. I was letting all the juices drip off of it first before I moved it to the plate and dripped everywhere, when OF COURSE, it dropped back in the crockpot which was full of Coke, a little bit of fat, and brown sugar. My shirt has now been through the washer 2 with stain remover in hopes that it disappears! But I haven't checked it yet. Welcome to my life!


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the shirt but...Hooray! You cooked! :)

Alli said...

I love that you have a blog! I don't cook either, Davin does it all.